The cerebral palsy white paper was disclosed on World Cerebral Palsy Day last October 2021. Delivered in particular to the Secretary of State responsible for people with disabilities, it was also sent to the various players in health policy in France and presented to the press. It is a plea for the implementation of a national action strategy for cerebral palsy.

The most common motor disability in childhood, cerebral palsy affects 17 million people worldwide, 350 million including their families and friends.

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Cerebral Palsy is a risk for every newborn. We are all concerned! Every day in France, 4 newborns are born with Cerebral Palsy

The research

Cerebral Palsy research

The major absence from research programs

Poorly defined for a long time, cerebral palsy still suffers from a disregard from the general public but also from the medical profession and scientists, despite the high number of persons concerned by this pathology.