To advance research on cerebral palsy

and significantly improve the lives of the 125 000 people affected and their families.


As the new year begins, the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale needs your help: a donation to support cerebral palsy research can make all the difference. Every contribution brings researchers closer to life-changing solutions.

Make a meaningful donation: invest in the future and in hope.


A concert for a good cause: On Saturday December 21, almost 300 people gathered at Le Petit Bain for the 1st ever benefit concert for cerebral palsy research.

Fans of strong music and a great musical line-up with a big heart.

The research is moving forward

The missions of the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale

Created in 2005 by associations of parents and health professionals and formerly known as “La Fondation Motrice”, the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale’s vocation is to promote and support research on cerebral palsy, work on improving quality of care and spread knowledge & best practices.

Every year, it leads to calls for research projects and awarding of grants to the most promising works. Those calls for projects are supervised by its Scientific board, consisting of independent internationally-known personalities.

The Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale is recognised as a public utility organisation by the French public authorities / French state.

calls for projects since 2006
research projects supported
7 M€
directly invested in research
articles published in scientific journals

Support us

Projects financed with your support

The most common physical disability in childhood

Cerebral palsy

This disability is the result of irreversible lesions on the brain of the fetus or infant, due to the destruction of certain developing brain cells, that we do not know how to repair.

photo d'un enfant en couveuse

Our research programs

Europe-wide projects

Since 2018, the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale has devoted massive, unprecedented support to cerebral palsy research by funding large-scale European projects.

CAP’ 2019 – 2023

Intensive playful rehabilitation program for young children, for greater independence

ENSEMBLE 2022 – 2027

Cerebral palsy early diagnosis program, for early treatment


People who live with cerebral palsy, parents, researchers, doctors, donators... all speak up on the importance of supporting research.

act with us

To make research progress, we need you

Donation, bequests, fund raising, sponsoring, volunteering .. Every move counts, every support is valuable.

They support research

They take part in STEPtember


They support us

Thanks to their valuable support we are able to achieve numerous research projects on cerebral palsy.

Only research foundation in France dedicated to research into cerebral palsy

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