Make a donation

Donate for research and give hope to the 125 000 people living with cerebral palsy.

Why donate?

Cerebral palsy can affect anyone! It is not a rare disease since 125 000 people in France are affected by the condition. Causes are multiple, for example a premature birth or a difficult childbirth. Thus, it can happen to any newborn child.

We know, very often without realizing it, a person who lives with cerebral palsy, the consequences of which vary from one person to another. We must overcome that lack of awareness. This is the work of the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale.

It pursues, non-stop, its efforts started in 2005 to advance research on the first motor disability in children in France, and does so on the whole territory. It has financed 78 projects in various domains which meet the concrete issues of persons affected and their families: rehabilitation, diagnosis, pain, social integration, a.s.o...Approximately 7 million Euro have been invested in research since the creation of the Foundation in 2005.

Research moves forward. We must go on and amplify the movement.

Thanks to you and your valuable donations, hope is given to the 125 000 people living daily with cerebral palsy and to their families: hope of a better quality of life, better care of their handicap, and better inclusion in society.

Occasional donation

How to make an occasional donation?

You are an individual, a company, an organisation, a foundation or an endowment fund, a local authority... You can make a donation and support many excellent researchers who are mobilised all over the country to advance research on cerebral palsy.

There is no small donation, every action counts.

Make a donation online by credit card (CB) or using Paypal

Donation made on our online form are 100% secured.
All bank details to treat the payment are encrypted using the SSL protocol. They are in no way saved in our computer systems.

Make a donation

Donation by bank transfer

To make a donation by bank transfer, you can request the bank information of the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale by calling: 0033 1 45 54 03 03 or fill in our contact form:

Contact us

Donation by cheque

The cheque must indicate “payable to the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale” and sent by post to the following postal address: Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale – 68 boulevard de Port-Royal – 75005 Paris, with the completed donation form:

Download the donation form

What are you entitled to in case of donation?

For each donation to the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale, you will receive a tax receipt which allows the donor, when he/she pays tax, do deduct:

Réduction fiscale IR

Regular donation

Every year, a large number of donors decide to give a new impulsion to their generosity by choosing direct debit payment and thus accompany over time and more efficiently our battle to advance research on cerebral palsy.

Research progresses but takes time. Regular donations provide a source of stable financing, allowing to plan in the long term and thus to maintain our programs in a consistent way.

It is an additional proof of trust that allows to maximise the impact of the work of all the researchers who mobilise all over France, and to change the future of persons affected with cerebral palsy.

We invite you to take your turn to assert your support and your trust in the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale by deciding to devote a certain amount of money every month at your convenience.


  • Give without thinking: your donation is directly debited from the bank account you indicated, with no bank charges.
  • Stop your support when you wish by simply calling or mailing to our donors department
  • Receive a unique tax receipt summarising all your donations, which will give you an income tax credit of 66% of the paid amount, limited to of 20% of your taxable income.
  • Receive less calls for donations

At the end of the year, you receive a tax receipt cumulating all of the year’s debits. As a taxable individual, the tax reduction is 66% of the total payments.

How to make a regular donation?

Online donation

Donation made on our online form are 100% secured. All bank details to treat the payment are encrypted using the SSL protocol. They are in no way saved in our computer systems.

Make a regular donation online

Contact us

Contact the Fondation
0033 1 45 54 03 03
or using our online contact form:

Contact us
« Je souhaite faire parler de cette fondation au travers de toutes mes courses et mes rencontres. Plus cette fondation sera visible, plus nous pourrons toucher de personnes et faire en sorte que la recherche pour cette pathologie avance. Mon but est de lever le plus de fonds possible sur l’ensemble des courses et de récolter 10 € par kilomètre parcouru. Soit, pour WorldWildRunneuze, un total de 10 000 € au profit de la Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale. »
« World wild runneuze »
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Only research foundation in France dedicated to research into cerebral palsy

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