About us

La Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale, seule fondation dédiée à cette pathologie en France.

Our history

In 2005 three associations APETREIMC/ENVOLUDIA , SESEP and CDI set up to care for children with cerebral palsy, help families and train professionals into cerebral palsy sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, combined their objects, experience and resources to form La Fondation Motrice, a research foundation. A new fonder PasseRaile-Apetreimc joined them in 2006.

In 2005, three associations took the initiative of creating a research foundation dedicated to cerebral palsy, with the aim of filling a crucial gap in this field. Cerebral palsy, which affects 125,000 people in France and is the most common physical disability in childhood in France, is still little-known by both the general public and the medical profession, and not sufficiently studied. This multifaceted pathology, described only a few decades ago, is unique in that it concerns a very large number of disciplines: neonatology, neuropediatrics, neurosciences, rehabilitation in all its forms, orthopedic surgery, pain management, and so on. Without coordination, information circulates poorly, resources are scattered and research stalls

The ambition was to create a foundation whose mission would be to coordinate research in the various disciplines, disseminate knowledge and information, and raise funds to finance this research.

Thus, in response to a crucial need, the Fondation Motrice (which became the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale a few years later) was created in 2005, thanks to parents' associations, healthcare professionals and the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

The Foundation is a crossroads between people with cerebral palsy, families, researchers and funders. It is the fruit of a collective commitment and mobilization to enable children and adults with cerebral palsy to exercise their freedom.

It recognizes the values enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Creation of the "Fondation Motrice"

July 4th, 2006

The “Fondation Motrice” becomes the “Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale”


Recognition under French law as a public benefit organization


Our founding members

The “Association pour l'Education Thérapeutique et la Réadaptation des Enfants IMC” (Association for the Therapeutic Education and Rehabilitation of IMC Children), founded in 1978, supported children and families from kindergarten through to integration into mainstream schools or specialized education, through educational and rehabilitation actions. In 2013, it merged with GIMC (Groupement des Infirmes Moteurs Cérébraux), to become ENVOLUDIA, and now works to help children and adults affected by cerebral palsy achieve their full potential and independence.

Founded in 1947, the “Société d'Etudes et de Soins pour les Enfants Paralysés et Polymalformés” (Society for the Study and Care of Paralyzed and Polymalformed Children) has evolved from caring for children with poliomyelitis to welcoming and caring for toddlers and young children with motor disabilities. It is developing its social support activities and has a genetics laboratory.

This association, which grew out of APETREIMC, brings together and implements all the resources needed to promote the autonomy of adults with cerebral palsy and reduce their handicap. In particular, it has set up living centers and adapted apartments in towns and cities. Today, the management of these living centers has been handed over to the OVE Foundation (since 2017).

The « Cercle de Documentation et d'Information pour la rééducation des infirmes moteurs cérébraux », founded in 1959, brings together professionals specializing in cerebral palsy. It organizes study days, provides training, helps set up regional working groups, etc.

Our missions

The mission of the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale is to:


Promote and support research into cerebral palsy and related conditions


Oeuvrer pour l’amélioration de la qualité des soins et l'accompagnement, la diffusion des bonnes pratiques et le développement des connaissances ;


Responding to emergency situations in the field of cerebral palsy.

The fields of research are: medical and biomedical sciences, social and human sciences, educational sciences, technological research and engineering sciences, and more broadly everything that can contribute to the prevention of cerebral palsy and to improving the situation and quality of life of those affected.

These missions are carried out according to the following principles:

Respect for people;

Excellence in research;

Development of international cooperation;

Translating research advances into everyday life.

schema missions fondation paralysie cerebrale

Découvrez la Fondation en images

Vous y découvrez les interventions, dans l’ordre d’apparition, de :

  • M. Alain Chatelin, l’actuel Président de la Fondation
  • Pr Olivier Baud, Professeur de pédiatrie, spécialisé en néonatologie, ancien Président du Conseil Scientifique et actuel administrateur de la Fondation
  • Mme Gaëlle Drewnowski, Patiente expert, membre du Conseil scientifique
  • Pr Sylvain Brochard, Professeur de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation (MPR) pédiatrique, et l’un des coordinateurs du projet CAP’, 1er projet d’ampleur européenne financé et soutenu par la Fondation en 2018.
The Foundation

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Unique fondation de recherche dédiée à la paralysie cérébrale en France

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